
Personal Projects

Tailwind Templates

A repository of free components built with tailwindcss. Every component is responsive, customizable and carefully crafted for your use. TailwindTemplates provides high-quality components to use in your projects to speed up your development.

Laravel, AlpineJS, TailwindCSS, Javascript, PHP
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As the live streaming audience grows more and more I wanted to try to create a game where the audience can play a game through the Livestream chat. Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS) is the game I decided to transform into a game for live streams.

Node.js, Javascript,, Vue.js, TailwindCSS, MongoDB
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Remote camera trigger

This app allows the user to remote control multiple phones and lets them act as a multi-cam setup. This can be used when a user wants to record a scene or take a photo from multiple angles without having to walk up to every camera and press record.

Flutter, Dart, MobX, Firebase, Javascript
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Church Portal

As a side project I'm working on a small portal for my church to manage their information and events.

PHP, Laravel, AlpineJS, Filament, Livewire, Tailwind
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Python Scraper for

This project is a very simple scraper I build using Python. The goal of this project is to scrape so-called ‘Dreams’ from

Python, SQL
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Untitled project 1

A project that I've been developing on and off for the past year. I don't want to share anything yet, but I would like to showcase the technologies I used for this project.

VueJS, Nuxt, Laravel, TailwindCSS, Javascript, Flutter, Dart, MobX, Firebase
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VR Office

An unofficial/cancelled project my employer was working on. I made several sketches for the pitch.

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Language contribution to Sabbatschool app

About 2 years ago I joined the team of Advantech, which is a group of Christians that have created several projects for our community.

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